The Jade Spindle
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The Jade Spindle is the tale of another world — a string world, lying right beside our own, settled many years ago by people of the great Huang-ti, the mythical Yellow Emperor of China.
A group of modern teenagers accidentally find their way to this world where the sun never rises or sets. While they are stranded here, they experience journeys and battles, dilemmas and discoveries, magic and ancient traditions.
The characters: Joss, impatient and headstrong. Her twin brother Mark, fed up with sisters. His friend Alasdair, fed up with dueling, divorcing parents. Molly, bound to her wheelchair while her spirit demands freedom. Chuan, daughter of the garden, fed up with ritual and isolation. Ssu-ma, Director of Horses, a general driven by duty. And many more . . . scheming courtiers, peasants and porters. A great story to lose yourself in.
The Jade Spindle is available as an e-book at:
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The Jade Spindle is the second YA fantasy novel by Alice Major. Her first book was the award-winning The Chinese Mirror.
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